He's the Founder, CEO, and Head of Design of Nialaya Jewelry.
Today we get a peek into a regular day in his not so regular life..


Jannik is one of those one-in-a-million-people who can work until 3am, get
back up at 7am and still feel energized and productive. The mornings are very important to Jannik.
This is when he finds calmness through his meditation, and he's able to gather his thoughts and ideas for the new day.
Of course, a quick check through his e-mail inbox is a must before heading out to the meditation spot at his Beverly Hills home. The meditation is usually followed by a work-out session before driving down to the Nialaya office..

It's time to pick up a green juice and head to the Nialaya office.
On work-days, Jannik loves to be comfortable, dressed in sneakers, jeans,
and a hoodie. Jannik spends more time at the office than he does at home, so
it's important to him that Nialaya feels like a second home to him and his employees.


No day is like the other at the Nialaya office. With Nialaya being sold in over
100 stores in 25 countries, and new styles being launched weekly,
Jannik is very much involved with every part of the business - and he loves it!
This is were all our pieces are sketched, designed, produced by hand, and
shipped out to our customers around the world.

The Nialaya office feels more like a living room than it does an office, decorated
with Scandinavian designer furniture and the walls covered in unique artwork,
it's a place you don't want to leave at the end of the day.
Fronted by the beautiful flagship store that's filled with all our latest collections,
as well as unique, custom made one-of-one pieces.
Definitely a place to come if you want a truly unique Nialaya piece!

Jannik at the Nialaya Flagship Store in LA


One of the best things about living in LA is lunch outside at one of the roof-tops.
Nothing beats a beautiful LA view.
Although, lunch hour for Jannik usually means work hour with a quick bite.
This time is spent getting business meetings done,
and definitely some Instagram content while waiting for the check..


ο»ΏJannik often travels around the world to visit Nialaya retailers.
He personally trains the staff and make sure the displays look up to standard.
With some of our retailers being located right in our hometown, it makes it
a bit easier to make frequent visits. The photo below is from the SLS Hotel in Beverly Hills,
who has a great selection of Nialaya for men and women, they're also one of Nialaya's first ever retailers.


Every evening is different for Jannik, whether he's stepping out to an event,
grabbing dinner with friends, or going out for an evening drive in his AC Cobra to catch a stunning sunset from the Hollywood Hills, he usually always ends back up at the office working until the early morning hours. Unwinding for a few hours in the evening before getting back to work helps Jannik clear his head and get into designer mode. This is when he finds inspiration to create and new designs come to life..

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